NEMT Chair v NEMT Website Owner

How wrong could one be about Mr Renwick. Very early on June the 18th in an email to the Trustees of the NFHT and some members of NEMT,* including Mr Dawson, he reverted to his habit of calling Mr Dawson a thief:-

As you will be aware the previously transferred to NEMT, owned and paid for Website has been stolen by Mick Dawson who appears to have taken advantage of its unlocked status.damage both NFHT and NEMT organisations. I have tried to speak to Mick recently, only to be told “I should know why”
Well, I don’t!

He had been told by Mr Dawson, when he interrupted a conversation about the damaged slipway with one of the NEMT members to say that he wanted a word, to put what he wanted to say in writing. The reason he was asked to do that was in order to elevate any slander to libel but what is most disturbing is that the Chairman of NEMT concludes his email with a threat:-

I simply ask all at NFHT to make Mick Dawson see sense and transfer our website back to NEMT where it belongs.
As ever, I’m always available to talk in an attempt to end with a satisfactory conclusion. Unfortunatly until that happens NEMT will not be in a position to discuss any future NFHT collaboration or plan vessel repairs on these premises.

What Mr Renwick did not know was that Mr Dawson had resigned his trusteeship of NFHT in April, and it had been accepted, expressly to dissociate NFHT from any argument about the ownership of the domain name In addition, he would not have known that TSOHost had written to Mr Dawson, on the 13th June 2024, advising him about an upgrade of two websites of his for which they had been providing service and support for many years and they were:-


With regard to the latter of the two domains, TSOHost said:

To ensure that your website remains active while you’re making these updates to your DNS records, we will use a proxy to redirect to your new hosting package.

Mr Dawson is currently negotiating with TSOHost about the safest way to view but it is an uphill struggle and it is unlikely the Chairman of NEMT will climb down off his high horse and apologise for accusing Mr Dawson of a crime he did not commit and talk sensibly to the trustees of the Northumbrian Fisheries Heritage Trust about the best way to keep the fleet of vessels, lovingly restored by members of both Trusts, afloat.


* neither Mr Parker nor Mr Dawson are trustees of NFHT, Mr Dawson, since the 17th April 2024.

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