Golden Gleam, 8-Jan-25

Better late than never!

In October 2022 the Chair of NEMT wrote:- “The main workshop is being tidied up and made ready for our new projects arriving soon. First will be our donated vessel Taylor Maid. Next the historic sailing coble Golden Gleam, pictured at 2005 Tall Ships Newcastle.

On Tuesday, 18th June 2024, he broadcast to Trustees of both NEMT and NFHT, Mr D Parker and myself “As you will be aware the previously transferred to NEMT, owned and paid for Website has been stolen by Mick Dawson who appears to have taken advantage of its unlocked status.” . . .

That Mick Dawson had stolen the website was an outright lie, please see the first point in Misinformation: 18-June-2024, had never been owned by NEMT and therefore could not have been stolen. The Chair of NEMT had temporarily gained control of it by giving misinformation to an Agent for TSOHost which left its owner with no alternative but to change the host to another provider.

The Chair, Mr A Renwick, went on to say:-“I simply ask all at NFHT to make Mick Dawson see sense and transfer our website back to NEMT where it belongs . . .
. . . Unfortunatly until that happens NEMT will not be in a position to discuss any future NFHT collaboration or plan vessel repairs on these premises.

As I tried to explain in Misinformation: 18-June-2024, I told the Chair of NEMT to put what he wanted to say to me in writing because he and his sidekick at that time, Kieth Barnard were putting it about that, a) I was not a member of NEMT and b) I was making slanderous allegations about their conduct.

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NEMT: ~~ Before and After the Bedford ~~

Her restoration by NEMT began in 2019 and took about two years. She was built by Lancelot Lambert at the Lawe and was launched from the Lawe Building Yard, Dec 21st 1886. Miss Bedford, who lived in the South of England, bequeathed £1,000 to the Lifeboat Society Trustees for the lifeboat to be named Bedford in memory of her brother who was an engineer with the Tyne Improvement Commission.


Here are a couple of Youtube posts from a time before the Trust became the the equivalent of the Henry Frederick Swan Presevation Society:-

After: was set up by the Chair of NEMT when he was stopped from re-writing the history of the two Trusts, NEMT and NFHT, in in late 2019. When the author of the original site tried to correct some of the misinformation being given out on the NEMTnews Facebook Page, he was promptly excluded by the Chair.

In the next video, what Mr Renwick, author of NEMTnews and his pals Messrs, Parker and Pottenger fail to mention is that the skills acquired over many years on the restoration and preservation of the likes of the Favourite, Rachel Douglas, Royal Diadem II and other vessels such as the Tyne Life Boat, were used to great effect on the restoration of Henry Frederick Swan.

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About 14 years ago I had heard that the North East Maritime Trust – NEMT, had been asked to think about making boat as a prop for a knitting group for an exhibition in the Customs House in South Shields but while the Trustees showed little interest, one or two of us did.
About a decade before, a friend who had heard that I had moved to South Shields, with the intention of taking up boating again, had persuaded me to buy a coble that that was for sale in Hartlepool. I had sailed one with him in Seahouses and was easily persuaded because I thought it would not to difficult to take the ‘Glad Tidings’ back into sail again.

“Dream on” I hear you say but I was told soon after I decided to bring her up from Hartlepool that she was originally built on spec and named ‘Peggy’ when she was bought from Harrison’s Boat Yard in 1924 and the first time she was repainted I asked for her name to be rewritten as Peggy and that is what she has been called since.

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Northumbrian Coble – Peggy 2


It was customary with a coble to put the name of the owner on the port stern quarter and while this was particularly true of those fishing off the Northumberland Coast it appears that a good many boats could be found in Filey and harbours on the Yorkshire Coast, that they followed the same tradition.

About a year or so after Peggy was brought back from Hartlepool she was lifted out and given a coat of paint and while I was confident burning off the old paint and repainting her I was no use at sign writing. She was called the Glad Tidings and as I had been told that she was called Peggy by the first owners so she was renamed to avoid confusion with all the other vessels named Glad Tidings to be found in the North East. Her home port written as South Shields and the owner as myself:-

When we came to give her, her home port, Paul Robinson who was doing the signwriting for me, remembered that he had not long before put BK7 on the side of a similar coble and as I had a Port of Tyne registration number for her of 479, I asked him to put that on, that rather than that of Berwick, so that anyone who needed to know could check with them that Peggy had not been put back into use as a commercial fishing boat.

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Northumbrian Coble – Peggy 1


When I said one sunny afternoon, my son and I with the aid of his girlfriend took Peggy’s lines, it was not strictly true. What we did, was to take a series of offsets at five stations, one at the centre of her waterline and others spaced evenly fore and aft. These were enough to reproduce her lines on a drawing of about a metre in length and a width of 22cm from the list of offsets which had been transcribed from the girl friend’s notes to my pocket book.

I was asked, a day or so ago, for the offsets by someone who is interested building a copy of this historic vessel, she was a hundred years old this year and sadly it appears that the list of offsets was discarded once the drawing was complete.

We know that Peggy had a beam of 2.38m and that was reproduced in a drawing of width 0.22m so the offsets can found again because the horizontal and the vertical have the same scale and they can be recalculated for nine stations that were on that drawing because the first and last sections are located on the waterline.

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NFHT – Raison D’etre

Put simply, the Northumbria Fishing Heritage Trust was set up to look after the assets such as the fishing vessels that have been rescued by people who are mostly members of the North East Maritime Trust and occasionally by those who shared a similar interest. Originally the NFHT was set up so that their vessels would not be sold off, or lost to other interests, should the North East Maritime Trust happen to lose its Charitable Status.

As late as August 2021 the Chair of NEMT was still speaking well of:- the Northumbria Fishing Heritage Trust when he published in the Newsletter:-

Organised by our partner organisation NFHT.
NEMT Members have been invited to take part in a trip to the Anstruther Harbour Festival 1st weekend in September with boats Favourite, Rachel Douglas and Henry Frederick Swan in attendance. So here’s wishing them all a great and safe trip both ways, with fair winds in fact.
Our next newsletter will describe how the Anstruther event and trip went!

The next newsletter failed completely to mention any of the activities of its partner as its Author appeared to be more interested in publishing misinformation about the former partner of NEMT.

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A Secret Meeting?

With reference to the forwarded email of the 13th November from Mr Renwick, please see below and note that it has not been answered and it is two and a half weeks since it was sent and it can be confirmed that I have not received a registered delivery since I received the email of that date. It is also highly likely that Mr Renwick will know my address in Amble as it was known to Martin Wilson over 5 years ago when he wrote to me as the treasurer of NFHT.

The decision to remove me from the membership of NEMT was taken at what seems to be a secret meeting of a very select few on the 30th April and it is reasonable to assume that Mr Wilson’s membership was taken away by a similar process five years ago. Apart from Mr Renwick himself, the attendees were Mr Lund, the NEMT treasurer, Dr Sue Griffiths and possibly Mr Barnard.

I say possibly Mr Barnard because I was not informed of their decision until the 7th July or seven weeks after the meeting:-

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Fifty Thousand Views

– in seven months for the reborn website. The original which had about 80,000 in ten years had to be put down, like a very poorly pet that had developed a malignant growth which could not be contained and one does not have to look very far back through the current set of posts to get some idea of what I mean. To celebrate, here is a picture of the NFHT Fleet from the days when was first born.

The ‘Fleet’ – Rachel Douglas, Favourite, Sovereign and the cobles Peggy and Royal Diadem. This was posted around mid day 27-Nov-24 and the following comment made:-

The comparison is not really fair because I believe the events and progress being made by both the Trusts began to be published in Social Media, Facebook in 2015 and Twitter in 2019, with only the occasional reference being made on the original site.

The addition made on the 28th:-

What might be more relevant is the fact that 60% of the recent views are from abroad. This was gleaned from the folk who run Post View Counter, whom I think, wish me to rent a professional version.

I had noticed that a month or so back that the Post: Cygnet in Storage, had at over 10,000 views attracted for more views than any other post and thought to check again early this morning if this was still so. It is not, as of 06:00 on the morning of the 28th, the top three are:-

Consider Urgent 118,473
NEMT Latest: 16-Mar-2415,303
Cygnet in Storage10,706


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The domain –

Email to the Chair of the North East Maritime Trust – copied to the Trustees of the Charity set up to take care of the vessels restored/repaired by them and any other relevant assets, acquired over the last twenty years:-

From: Michael Dawson
Sent: 16 November 2024 08:42
Cc: Sue Griffiths; to the provider TSOHost and this has reminded me that I had to move from them to another provider to counter the misinformation that you were broadcasting on it. Your last post, if you care to remember was:-

Unfortunately our site has been almost destroyed by scamming, but we are trying to sort it out.
As you can see, certain nasty Trustees of Northumbrian Fishing Heritage Trust (NFHT) have deleted some of our precious content. Pathetic, isn’t it!
However, this disgraceful act has pointed NEMT in the direction of rebuilding our now outdated website, which we hope will soon be active.
Thank you for your patience.

May I remind you that I had been excluded from the administration of, by your actions, for some time prior to mid-March and would not have been able to make any deletions, while the content referring to NFHT was being deleted.

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The Row about this Website

On Fri, 12 Nov 2021, 09:39, I wrote:

Hi Alec,
Apologies for not getting back a day or so.While Tim L was treasurer, I was happy to pay for a website presence but when I moved away and the provider was taken over by TSO, I made an arrangement with Paul to regularise the payment for the site, (NEMT) and I continued to run it. There is not very much we can do with Linux Home Pro – and I was busy transferring when the row broke out so I never completed it.

The row was about editing the website:, in which the history of the North East Maritime Trust or NEMT, had been written to the website by me for about six years, and in particular the removal of most of the posts and pages that referred especially to its partner, the Northumbrian Fisheries Heritage Trust or NFHT.

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