The Trusts

They are the North East Maritime Trust and the Northumbrian Fisheries Heritage Trust.
The post numbers towards the foot of each column were those at the time the two pages were amalgamated.

NEMT – Chronology

2002 Coble and Keelboat Society discusses proposal for a maritime restoration workshop.

2003 C&KS considers means of creating a restoration workshop at Corporation Quay, South Shields.
August A committee is formed to develop the proposed establishment of the South Shields workshop.
19th August C&KS meets South Tyneside Council to discuss take over of the former Eurostag workshop at Unit 2/3 Wapping Street for establishment of NEMT.

2004 NEMT operating autonomously as an unincorporated trust.

2005 13th September, NEMT incorporated as a limited liability company.

1st November, NEMT granted licence to occupy Unit 2/3 Wapping Street for one year.

2006 7th September, Feasibility study commissioned at the request of STC as a prerequisite for being granted security of tenure; such secure tenure being necessary to obtain funds for development.

2007 6th February, Charitable status awarded to NEMT.
March, Feasibility study (Preliminary Options Appraisal) published and forwarded to STC.
2nd April, The lifeboat Henry Frederick Swan given to NEMT by members of the trust who had purchased it in 2005.

2008 9th April, Twenty Five Year Lease offered by STC but without security of tenure as STC would have a break option at twelve months notice. The “Council would not wish to prejudice any future regeneration scheme in the area”

2013 October, Lease for the workshop (Fisherman’s units 2/3) commenced. For 30 years to 30th September 2043.

2016 March, Lease commenced for the Boatyard (former Fred Crowell workshop). Date of termination 30th September 2043.

2020 30th March, Chair of NEMT, Jerry Dudman passed away.

Post Views: 251

NFHT – Chronology

2006, 23rd November – Foundation meeting of NFHT. Members: G.F.Brown, C.Malkin, F.E.Smith and P.Weightman. Constitution adopted.

2008, 10th January – Commenced business, bank account opened, trading commenced 30th April.

2008, 30th April – The vessels Rachel Douglas, Favourite and Golden Gleam placed on loan to NFHT.

2009, 1st December – Applied to Charity Commission for registration.

2010, 29th January – NEMT Writes to Charity Commission in support of NFHT registration application,
4th March – Constitution amended,
29th March Charity – Commission confirms registration of NFHT as a Charity,
20th May – Sovereign purchased,
5th July – Resignation of C.Malkin.

2012, 27th November – Peggy purchased.

2014, 17th – December NEMT commenced membership of NFHT.

2015, 25th April – Offer to NEMT to support the Boatyard,
24th December – Rachel Douglas purchased.

2016, 12th February – Membership extended to include three further trustees of NEMT,
2nd May – Gordon F. Brown died.

Post Views: 247

Contact for NFHT

Fisherman’s Workshop
2-3 Wapping Street
South Shields
Tyne and Wear
NE33 1LQ



Contact for NEMT

Fisherman’s Workshop
2-3 Wapping Street
South Shields
Tyne and Wear
NE33 1LQ

Phone 0191 447 8814
