From: Michael Dawson
Sent: 19 March 2024 16:59
To: Alec Renwick
Subject: NEMT v NFHT

From: Michael Dawson
Sent: 19 March 2024 16:59
To: Alec Renwick
Subject: NEMT v NFHT

Dear Alec

First: I want to dispel the rumour going around that Peter Weightman as one of NFHT, had anything to do with the alterations made by me to the NEMT website. In fact he asked me to remove the most contentious of them and I was in the process of doing that when it appears the provider, TSOHOST was told I was not a member of NEMT and I was excluded from and was not able to complete Peter’s request.

Secondly: in his email dated 17-Mar-24, Mr Barnard says that I am not a member of NEMT which both, you and l, know to be untrue. We were both part the group of people interested in preserving the traditional vessels of the North East and we became part of the team of which Peter was one, who with the aid of the Coble and Keelboat Society, set up what was to become the North East Maritime Trust and all three of us are still members.

I assume that you keep your subscription up to date and I can vouch that mine is up to date. It is paid by standing order – please see attached. It does however leave you with the problem of what to do about Mr Barnard. He has been spreading a lie, that I am not a member of the Trust and we both know it to be untrue and it is up to him to admit that he was in the wrong and to apologise to those members of the trust whom he has misled and for you, the Chair of the Trust to determine why he was so ready to repeat the lie on the 17th when he had already hinted that I was not a member of NEMT on the 15th.

It appears that he, by his responses, first to Peter’s then to my emails, has given you no choice but to back him or sack him.

I look forward to hearing your decision.

Kind Regards
Mick Dawson

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