A row about the ownership of the domain name nemaritimetrust.co.uk could not be settled amicably so the rightful owner secured his ownership by changing the service provider for the website to which it referred. Unfortunately the Chairman of NEMT, who had falsely claimed ownership of the domain name, had not backed up the site and the rightful owner was not allowed access to it, so to all intents and purposes it no longer existed after April 2024 and a site that attracted the interest of about 80,000 visitors in ten years was lost.
When the service provider TSOHost discovered that they had been duped into switching the administrator of nemaritimetrust.co.uk they covered themselves by saying that the issue had to be resolved by the charity NEMT before they would act. There was no way that its Chairman would admit that he had been less than truthful when he said that administrator of the site for the previous ten years was not a member of the NEMT and the way to any resolution was therefore blocked.
It left the owner of the domain name no alternative but to switch the service provider to another and while the switch was taking place what could be salvaged from the old site was copied into a temporary one in theharbourview.co.uk.
Six weeks after the transfer, the home page of the temporary site had attracted over 2500 views and it was decided that it should be kept until the contents of its media library had been transferred. Before the original site was lost its owner managed to copy a couple of posts, as an example of what would be lost, into the temporary site in the harbourview.co.uk while the ownership of the domain name was still being contested by the Chairman:-
- https://theharbourview.co.uk/nemaritmetrust-co-uk/2023/12/10/the-1886-bedford-lifeboat/
- https://theharbourview.co.uk/nemaritmetrust-co-uk/2023/12/11/a-catch-up/
At the same time the Chairman was writing the recent history of the charity NEMT in X.com/, which he controls and he reported that the Facebook records of the Trust had been ‘lost’ but it was another one of his pieces of misinformation. The Henry Frederick Swan stream is still available and it covers, June 2015 to April 2019.

There is also https://www.facebook.com/p/North-East-Maritime-Trust-100066685952535/ which is a bit more up to date but is written for an exclusive group so one may not be able to visit it without permission.