Hi Peter,
I’ll try and be quick and I suggest you do not respond to his email below and I think David, Paul and Richard will agree with me. If you do respond please use alec.renwick@gmail.com., please do not use alec.renwick@nemaritimetrust.org.uk
On the 9th of June received the following from him:-
From: Alec Renwick <alec.renwick@gmail.com>
Sent: 09 June 2024 18:14
To: Michael DAWSON <daw50nmdj@hotmail.co.uk>
Subject: Transfer of nemaritimetrust.co.uk
Further to your previous email.
As you will be aware, to proceed with transfer of the above website please ensure that the IPS Tag is changed to ‘KUALO’.
This will allow migration at your end.
No other website updating or work is necessary by you.
Alec Renwick,
It followed, almost the same request from the mailbox now associated with nemaritimetrust.co.uk but not from his personal email address:-
From: Alec Renwick <alec.renwick@nemaritimetrust.org.uk>
To: Mick Dawson <mick.dawson@nemaritimetrust.co.uk>
Date: 07/06/2024 17:50 BST
Thanks for your comment.
The only way to resolve this, is for you to allow transfer to our hosting agency Kualo as previously requested.
No need to do anything else at this point.
Two things: first his use of nemaritimetrust.org.uk in the second email to me and that the email to you this morning was also from .org.uk., and second that Mr Barnard is missing from Alec’s list.
I think Mr Barnard has been advised by someone in the RNLI or maybe his former boss in the Police Force to put as much distance between himself and Alec as possible.