Before the provider for was switched from TSOHost to IONOS in April 2024 the archives from the old site were copied so that they could be loaded into the new site and the first thing to notice was that the 8 years from 2011 were missing as one can see from detail taken the Home Page:-

A newsletter was published in June 2024 with the headline news:-
Due to unforeseen circumstances our Website is currently still offline. We apologise if you have been affected by this or for any inconvenience caused. But be assured that we are trying to sort this out, in the meantime please be patient. However, our new Website below will replace and be much better than the original which was very unreliable anyway.
It was offline while it was being transferred to a new provider and it was back before the newsletter was published. It was only the author of the Newsletter’s opinion that it was very unreliable and until he had been permitted to make amendments to it, there had never been any complaints about its reliability at all.
Once this horrible little gremlin has been removed we hope to be back on-line very soon with our new improved Website address as follows –
Please also note our new email – will soon be available on the website and we hope it will also be much more reliable than before.
The horrible little gremlin was, of course, the same person who removed eight years of the archive and he was chided a day or so later, though the posts from 2011 to 2013 were not included for technical reasons:-
Thank you for the sight of the latest Newsletter and this is to let you know that the horrible little gremlin has been removed but he left such a mess behind that it will take me a while to recover and any help you can give to cover the five years from 2014 to August 2019 would be appreciated.
A couple of people, who also seem to be aware that the activities of some the current Trustees are somewhat corrupt have sent in some articles make a point and as we uncover more of the missing archives the old site will, hopefully, no longer look so thin. Click on March 2016 or November 2014 for instance.
MD 12th September 2024