NEMT Latest: 16-Mar-24

From: Michael Dawson <>
Sent: 16 March 2024 13:48
To: Paul Nicholson; Peter Weightman; Richard Branson
Subject: NEMT Latest
– wrongly called ‘Consider Urgent 6’

Dear Paul and Everyone,

This has been added as a forward* to the email I sent at 8:30 this morning. My additional message:-

Peter’s email; Sent: 15 March 2024 19:36 to various folk under the subject, Consider Urgent, caused what can only be considered as outrageous rubbish to be sent by a so called Director of NEMT:-

From: k.barnard258
Sent: 15 March 2024 21:14

Peter, reference your point 3 in the latest attack on the ellected board of NEMT.
Are you implying that a member of NEMT is responsible for this disgraceful personalised and aggressive attack. I believe the person in question is in fact a member of NFHT board and has not been a member of NEMT for several years.
As you are no longer a member of the board of NEMT you will not be aware that NEMT is going from strength to strength.
Once more I find your attitude towards NEMT and it’s board together with your statement of how far you are willing to go to attain your own ambitions unacceptable.

Keith Barnard Director

I hope I had made it clear in a more considered response made at 8:30 this morning, that I was speaking as a founder member of NEMT when I said about Alec: It has never been his or their website. has been in my name from about the time that NEMT became a charity.

Both Alec and I recognised the need for a website soon after the meeting where it was decided to set one up for the North East Maritime Trust and I believe he set one up called in May 2005. At that time, it was easy to piggy back one site onto another and mine was called and when he made things difficult for me, a couple of years later, I registered mine in its own right with in May 2014, please see the attached extract.

I cannot blame him as nemaritimetrust had picked up far more followers than nemt. NEMT had also become the regular look-up for the North East Mountain Trust which had been formed a few years before NEMT.

Only Alec can confirm these details but was created in October 2022 at about the same time as I booted him out of when I realised he was turning what was my site into one for the Henry Frederic Swan Appreciation Society.

Some time between posting an email claiming that I had been blocked from NEMT Social Media on Thursday and Alex writing to us all on the lunchtime of the 15th, I lost control of the site as it no longer recognised me and it is Alec, who is to blame.

To put it bluntly he has shit in his own nest as he had to lie or give fraudulent misrepresentation to our service provider TSOHOST to get this done and I shall show them the extract to prove that I still owned the domain name when Alec said it was his.

I now have a support ticket with them which I should be able to progress with an email similar to this one and hopefully I will be able to ask Nominet to extend my ownership of to beyond May this year.

I hope to be in touch with some good news before next weekend.


* Oops, not a forward but an afterthought, also it was up to a service provider, not Nominet, to extend the expiry date of the ownership of a domain name for which there was a moderate charge and technically I was not a founder menber of NEMT although I was present at the early meetings where we thought of ourselves as the North East Maritime Trust.

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