From: k.barnard258
Sent: 17 March 2024 13:07
To: Michael Dawson; Peter Weightman;
Cc: Paul Nicholson; Richard Branson; Alec Renwick; Kevin Lund; Dr Griffiths, Sue
Re: Consider Urgent
Mr Dawson ,
I note that you are not a member of NEMT but are a director of nfht whom , I assume you speak for .
Mr Barnard was misinformed: Mr Dawson has been a member of NEMT from its very early days, has not resigned and his subs are paid every October by standing order.
I am an ellected member of NEMT and was ellected by the membership because they wished me to take that position . It’s called democracy .
The reason you have not seen the minutes is because you are not a member , just thought I would clear that question up for you.
Mr Barnard has again been misinformed: I had seen the minutes of the AGM held in 2023 and knew that were two different versions in circulation. One will have to ask Mr K Lund why he was asked to produce one that conflicted with the original and Mr Renwick why he had not produced any minutes for meetings held in November 2023 and early 2024.
As you are a none member and as such have no say in the business of MENT I must assume anything you may have to say about myself is personal and carries no priviledge, in view of this can I ask you to cease and desist from having anything deflamatory or otherwise say about me either written or spoken from you personally or as a director of nfht.
On January 6th 2023, I had justly accused the signatories of the policy document produced at the special meeting in November of being fraudsters and proof that the accusation had been just, was because they promtly paid what they owed NFHT.*
I fail to understand what reason nfht would have to want to control a wedsite in the name of NEMT which has nothing whatsoever to do with then other to cause our charity problems.
Again Mr Barnard has been misinformed: the website associated with NEMT, was created by me at about the same time as one called and they were both registered in 2014.
I am unaware of any president wherein one charity would legitimately have cause to attack another, perhaps you could explain.
No, Mr Barnard, again you were misinformed, NFHT has never attacked NEMT there was no cause until Mr Renwick attacked both Peter and I as Trustees of NFHT, without cause on the 15th March 2024.
Mr K Barnard Director
* This needs to be confirmed but Mr A Renwick was the only signatory of the Policy Document produced in November 2022, who was still a NEMT Trustee when the my troubles with him and Trust came to a head in March 2024.
It also became clear and this needs to be confirmed, that the vessels ‘owned’ by Trust were not being charged for work done by the volunteers of both NEMT and the NFHT while any vessels not owned by NEMT were being charged, not only the work done but for the use of the slipway as well.