Five Months On

Yesterday the number of views to this site,, passed 25,000 which compares reasonably well with the old site’s of 826,000 in the ten years of its existence. The nemaritimetrust site was temporarily taken down after it had become corrupted earlier this year and is now with a different provider.

Corrupted by accident, maybe, but the evidence shows otherwise. When I was locked out of the administration of this site, I naturally contacted TSOHost to whom it had been registered for a number of years and discovered the reason why. I had been replaced by current Chairman of NEMT and this would not have mattered if our views about both the Trust and its partner, the NFHT, had been consistent but it turned out that they more than inconsistent, they were somewhat contradictory.

Making this post ‘sticky’ became impractical and so it has been converted to a page.

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