KBtoMD, 8-Jan-23, 14:32

From: Keith Barnard k.barnard258@btinternet.com
Sent: 08 January 2023 14:32
To: daw50nmdj@hotmail.co.uk daw50nmdj@hotmail.co.uk
Cc: alex boat; Sue Griffiths
Subject: Slanderous Accusations

Dear Sir , I am a trustee of NEMT and as such am one of the people against whom you are making the grounds less , mindless accusations .

My previous occupation and position make these accusations all the more offensive and a greater attack on my integrity . Please understand that you cannot express this type of material without putting yourself in an untenable position when you are asked to prove these allegations .

This sort of behavior can and will have consequences .

I suggest that a sincere apology to the other members of NEMT would be the order of the day.

Yours Sincerely Mr K. Barnard . NEMT

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