ARtoMD and others, 6 and 7-Jan-23

From: Alec Renwick
Sent: 06 January 2023 20:49
To: Michael Dawson
Subject: Re: Objection to proposed fraud by the charity – NEMT

Dear Mr Dawson,
In reference to you request for the November minutes.
There is currently a concern about the accuracy of the transcript.
As is usual minutes cannot be made public until agreed and approved by the board of directors.

Further to your slanderous accusations.
Please supply the evidence you use to form these beliefs.

Please be aware that should any more deflamatory allegations be made we will take advice with a view to legal action.

Yours sincerely
A Renwick.
NEMT Chairman.

Then next morning:-

From: Alec Renwick
Sent: 07 January 2023 10:22
To: Michael Dawson
Subject: Re: Objection to proposed fraud by the charity – NEMT

Dear Mr Dawson
Further to your previous emails.*
Can you tell me if this is your personal opinion or does it represent the case for NFHT.

Also, in future, I will be pleased if you can reply to the following email address not my personal email –

Then 9 minutes later:-

From: Alec Renwick
To: Sue Griffiths, Keith Barnard, Alex Finnegan, Guy Linkleter
Cc: Peter W, Richard Branson

Date: 07 January 2023 at 10:41
Subject: Fwd: Objection to proposed fraud by the charity – NEMT

Dear NEMT Trustee’s,

Please find the following attached by Mick Dawson an NFHT director, most of you will not know him.
However apart from more aggressive, personalised emails to me, which I find objectionable.* This is the only communication by anyone relative to the ‘Proposal’ to NFHT received so far (in response to replies requested within 7 days prior to the next NEMT meeting).
Cc to Peter and Richard.
Perhaps Peter and Richard can advise if this represents their NFHT response.

Alec Renwick.

* There was only one email sent to Mr Renwick prior to the 7th January after the meetings in November and it was a request made on the 6th of January, for the minutes of the AGM held by NEMT on the 22nd of November 2022 and to raise an objection to the proposals put forward at a special meeting 3 days later.
Logic, if nothing else suggests that there could not have been any, more aggressive and personal emails, sent to him, they simply do not exist.

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