The split: 18 July 23.

Hello Gents,

It’s a strange thing but Paul and I were just talking about the NE1 berth this morning – now I receive the message below.

As requested, I rang Mark Sumner and was quizzed about why a boat belonging to another trust was being moored in a fashion somehow related to NEMT. I tried to find out who had been speaking to him but all he would reveal was that it was someone off HFS. I don’t know how he got my email address. He didn’t accept that the NEMT berth was allowed to be used by two vessels. He was very polite but said NFHT would have to make its own berthing arrangements however he would be helpful and would not seek the commercial rate.

He would like to hear from us next week about how we would take this forward.

Obviously I am not happy with what the anonymous person may have said about us.

All the best,


———- Original Message ———-
From: Newcastle City Marina <>
To: “” <>
Date: 18 July 2023 at 10:12
Subject: Rachel Douglas

Hi Peter,

I wonder if you could give me a call please to discuss the mooring of Rachel Douglas here at Newcastle City Marina.

My number is 07843 704107

Kind Regards, Mark Sumner

Newcastle City Marina
Newcastle NE1 Limited
Suite A8 Milburn House
Dean Street 
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 1LE 

Tel: +44 (0)191 211 3959 (press option 3) Marina Logo
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One Response to The split: 18 July 23.

  1. Mick Dawson says:

    I’m sure that both the Favourite and the Rachel Douglas were sometimes moored on the quay at NE1, although not for long and it looks like Mark Sumner had decided, quite reasonably, that he could more money by treating the vessels as though they belonged to two separate charities.
    It should not matter who was on board the Rachel Doulas when Mark was told that NEMT had nothing to with the Rachel Douglas but the fact that one of them took the trouble to provide Mark with your email address does, and it was obvious that that that a person with a keen interest in sowing division between the two Trusts was on board her in NE1 Marina in July 2023.

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