Better late than never!
In October 2022 the Chair of NEMT wrote:- “The main workshop is being tidied up and made ready for our new projects arriving soon. First will be our donated vessel Taylor Maid. Next the historic sailing coble Golden Gleam, pictured at 2005 Tall Ships Newcastle.
On Tuesday, 18th June 2024, he broadcast to Trustees of both NEMT and NFHT, Mr D Parker and myself “As you will be aware the previously transferred to NEMT, owned and paid for nemaritimetrust.co.uk Website has been stolen by Mick Dawson who appears to have taken advantage of its unlocked status.” . . .
That Mick Dawson had stolen the website was an outright lie, please see the first point in Misinformation: 18-June-2024, nemaritimetrust.co.uk had never been owned by NEMT and therefore could not have been stolen. The Chair of NEMT had temporarily gained control of it by giving misinformation to an Agent for TSOHost which left its owner with no alternative but to change the host to another provider.
The Chair, Mr A Renwick, went on to say:-“I simply ask all at NFHT to make Mick Dawson see sense and transfer our nemaritimetrust.co.uk website back to NEMT where it belongs . . .
. . . Unfortunatly until that happens NEMT will not be in a position to discuss any future NFHT collaboration or plan vessel repairs on these premises.
As I tried to explain in Misinformation: 18-June-2024, I told the Chair of NEMT to put what he wanted to say to me in writing because he and his sidekick at that time, Kieth Barnard were putting it about that, a) I was not a member of NEMT and b) I was making slanderous allegations about their conduct.