Fair winds and Following Seas

Dear Member
Please find our Summer Newsletter attached for your perusal.
We wish you all Fair Winds and Following Seas.

When Alec Renwick wrote this on the 5th June 2024 under the subject of the NEMT NEWSLETTER he did not wish one of the members well. In one of the opening paragraphs he had as good as accused the owner of the Website nemaritimetrust.co.uk of misconduct when he said:

Once this horrible little gremlin has been removed we hope to be back on-line very soon with our new improved Website address as follows – www.nemaritimetrust.org.uk.

Mr Renwick had gained control of the co.uk website some time before March 15th, by deception and had began to broadcast misinformation, mainly that the website had been stolen, when it had not. He had left its author with no choice, other than to change the provider away from TSOHost but it meant that the Website nemaritimetrust.co.uk, posts and pages, had to be completely rebuilt and if you think I have got anything wrong, please let me know.

On Friday, 7th June I wrote, tongue in cheek to Alec:-

Thank you for the sight of the latest Newsletter and this is to let you know that the horrible little gremlin has been removed but he left such a mess behind that it will take me a while to recover nemaritimetrust.co.uk and any help you can give to cover the five years from 2014 to August 2019 would be appreciated.


Tongue in cheek because I knew that he had removed nearly all of the history of the two Trusts NEMT and NFHT prior to 2019 that did not refer to the Henry Frederick Swan and nemaritimetrust.co.uk became established in 2014.

It appears that some saw the point that was being made and out of the blue, four news items came my way in the following weeks:-

The first is about Rachel Douglas, she was one of the first restoration projects and began in 2002 by the people who went on to set up the North East Maritime Trust, the second about the Trust being set up in 2005, the third about a joint project with the Customs House in 2009 and the last about a coble that has been maintained by the Trust since at least 2010.

I had never come across any of those articles before and it appears whoever posted them knew that the real villain of the piece or ‘gremlin’ was Mr Renwick or one of his accomplices and not myself.

Mick Dawson,
31st October 2024

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